A-Z Guide for Using Battling Ropes to Improve Your Conditioning: Exercises, Circuits and Workouts
by Corey Beasley
Battling Ropes were developed by John Brookfield and quickly became one of the most popular conditioning tools around.
Photographers and trainers all love them, but how do you use them effectively?
Corey Beasley wrote a killer article, where he lays out a ton of cool exercises, training strategies, and some secrets on getting the most out of these workouts.
He explains a couple of the basic systems, including the waves, pulls, partner drills and advanced exercises. Each of these systems has huge carry over for combat athletes and fit easily into your current workout routine.
Check out the videos below:
Battling Rope Wave System
Battling Rope Pull System
Battling Rope Partner Drills
Advanced Battling Rope Exercises
Its a lot more than simply making waves. Used correctly, these drills can build ridiculous strength and endurance that will help you perform on the mat or in the cage.