37 Books That I Think You Should Read About Health, Strength, and Performance

By Corey Beasley

These are not organized in any particular order.

Below is simply a list of books that have helped me over the years.  Some are quick and easy to read, while others are more technical and in depth.

Feel free to check them out and let me know what you learn.


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37 Books That I Think You Should Read About Health, Strength, and Performance

  1. Overcoming Gravity: A Systematic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength (Second Edition)Health
  2. The Human Machine (Dover Anatomy for Artists)Health
  3. The Fighter's Mind: Inside the Mental GameHealth
  4. Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-InHealth
  5. A Fighter's Heart: One Man's Journey Through the World of FightingHealth
  6. SupertrainingHealth
  7. Periodization Training for SportsHealth
  8. Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd editionHealth
  9. Serious Strength TrainingHealth
  10. New Functional Training for Sports
  11. Train To Win: 11 Principles of Athletic Success
  12. Ultimate Conditioning for Martial Arts
  13. Ultimate MMA Conditioning
  14. Ultimate Warrior Workouts (Training for Warriors): Fitness Secrets of the Martial Arts
  15. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning
  16. Triphasic Training: A systematic approach to elite speed and explosive performance (Volume 1)
  17. Special Training: Manual for Coaches
  18. Warrior Cardio: The Revolutionary Metabolic Training System for Burning Fat, Building Muscle, and Getting Fit
  19. Science and Practice of Training, Second Edition
  20. Advanced Strength and Conditioning
  21. High-Powered Plyometrics
  22. Principles of Sports Training
  23. Baxter's The Foot and Ankle in Sport
  24. Neuromechanics of Human Movement-5th Edition by Roger Enoka (2015-03-25)
  25. Tapering and Peaking for Optimal Performance
  26. Original Performance: The Next LevelStrength
  27. Original Strength
  28. Can You Go?: Assessments and Program Design for the Active Athlete and Everybody ElseStrength
  29. Kettlebell Simple & Sinister: Revised and Updated EditionStrength
  30. The Naked Warrior: Master the Secrets of the super-Strong--Using Bodyweight Exercises OnlyStrength
  31. Mastery of Hand Strength, Revised Edition
  32. Minimize Injury, Maximize Performance: A Sports Parent's Survival GuideStrength
  33. How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!performance
  34. Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance-Sixth EditionStrength
  35. Theory and Application of Modern strengthing and Power Methods: Modern methods of attaining super-strength
  36. The Black Book of Training Secrets: Enhanced Edition
  37. Gift of InjuryStrength


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