Conditioning for Wrestlers: Are Your Athletes Ready to Compete?
By Carmen Bott
300 Yard Shuttle Run Test
- Marker cones and lines are placed 25 yards apart to indicate the sprint distance.
- Start with a foot on one line.
- When instructed by the timer, the wrestler runs to the opposite 25-yard line, touches it with their foot, turns and run back to the start. This is repeated six times without stopping (covering 300 yards total).
- After a rest of five minutes, the test is repeated.
Record the average of the two 300-yard shuttles.
This is your run score.
Here are the norms:
- 52 seconds - Outstanding
- 54 seconds - Very Good
- 57 second - Good
- 62 seconds - Average
- 65 seconds - below average
- 68 seconds - poor
Now subtract your second time from your first time.
This is called your drop-off index and also indicates your level of conditioning.
Drop-Off Index Rating
Less than 3 seconds - outstanding, you are ready!
3 seconds - 5 seconds - very good, almost there!
6 seconds - 8 seconds - good / average
9 seconds - 11 seconds - below average
> 10 seconds - poor / needs improvement
How Did You Measure Up?