Check Out How Some Of The Best Athletes and Coaches Are Getting Faster, Explosive and More Powerful

By Corey Beasley

Power, speed and explosiveness are the results of a lot of time in the gym.

*CAUTION* Before adding these exercises to your workouts, please make sure that you have developed a foundation of strength. Many of these drills are advanced and the athlete should earn the right to perform these drills. Done too quickly, they can cause injury.

Be sure to download "How to Peak for Competition" and it will walk you thru how to prioritize your training and workouts.  Some people need more mobility, stability or strength before doing explosive movements.

Below we've compiled a few of our favorite videos from Instagram. Coaches from around the globe share some of the exercises and drills that they use to develop more speed and power in their athletes.


@coach_brettb "Get them competing! Working on expressing rotational power & precision. Furthest throw and closest to hitting the line wins." A video posted by fightcampconditioning (@fightcampconditioning) on



by @carlos_condit #Power #Speed #Agility #Accuracy #Victory @movnat A video posted by fightcampconditioning (@fightcampconditioning) on


@chrisranes puttin the boys to work! #mma #reaction #speed #agility

A video posted by fightcampconditioning (@fightcampconditioning) on