8 Exercises to Build Rotational Core Strength For MMA Fighters
By Adrian Ramirez
Rotational and anti-rotational exercises are a staple for just about any athlete's workout. Punching kicking, throwing, controlling...all of this requires a good stabilization and transfer of energy from our legs through our arms. Done correctly, these exercises can help you become much stronger on the ground, against the cage and on your feet. Check out this video from Adrian Ramirez
CORE Strength for MMA: 8 Exercises to Build Rotational Strength and Power
Balance Board Planks w/ Rotation
TRX Rip Trainer Paddle Row
TRX Rip Trainer High Pulls
Kneeling Cable Rotation (Low to High)
Suspension Pulley Ground and Pound
Suspension Pulley Rotational Press
TRX High Rotation
Russian Twist with a Heavy Rope
Adrian Ramirez (ARAM) Team Takedown Strength & Conditioning coach. BJJ Black Belt under Marc Laimon Cobra Kai. UFC/Bjj Coach. Personal Trainer. #DreamChaser #MMANerd