Top 5 Tips To Manage Your Weight This Holiday Season
By Dan Garner
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It's about that time of year I make a holiday special video and talk about the top 5 most simple strategies you can utilize this holiday season to make sure that you still have a great time, but don't overdo it either. There are tons of snacks, meals, drinks and other distractions that can throw us off course, but these 5 tips should allow you to indulge without overdoing it.
5 Tips to Manage Your Weight During the Holidays
- Stay off the Scale.
- Choose your battles.
- Don't waste your $ on weight loss or fat loss supplements.
- Eat protein first.
- Stay Active.
Dan is the owner and founder of Team Garner and is the head strength coach and nutrition specialist. Specializing and delivering consistent world class results in physique transformation and athletic performance, Dan has worked with many athletes from the youth leagues right up to the NHL, NFL, MLB and UFC. He is an international lecturer on sports nutrition and has been featured in several major media outlets. In addition to his coaching services, he has created many online products available for purchase and is a bestselling author on Amazon.