Workout of the Week: Build Muscle and Increase Strength
By Corey Beasley
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This is a personal workout that I've been using for the last 3 weeks. I train 3 times per week (Tues, Thurs, Sat) and this was my Tuesday session.
We use similar workouts with our athletes and tend to do more total body work, since we only see them 2-3 days each week.
The following workout is a pretty simple workout that you can use as a template for building your own sessions.
SMR - 5 Minutes
- Arches of the Foot
- Hip Flexor - Psoas
- Chest
Mobility - 5 Minutes
- 90/90 Torso Rotations - 10 each way
- Worlds Greatest Stretch - 10 each leg
- Squat w/ Rotational Reaches - 10 per arm
Activation - 10 Minutes
- SL Balance w/ Opposite Swing - 30 sec each leg
- Glute Mini Band Series - 15 reps of each
- Plank w/ Shoulder Touches - 30 reps
- KB Batwing - 30-60sec hold
- Crawling - 100ft fwd, 100 back.
SAQ - 5 Minutes
Locomotion Series
Med Ball Pivot and Throw
Perform 3 sets of 5 reps, per side. Rest about 1-2 minutes between sets.
Strength: Hinge + Horizontal Push/Pull - 30 Minutes
1a. Hex Bar Deadlift
1b. Barbell Floor Press
1c. SA Dumbbell Rows
*Perform each exercise back to back and then rest.
8-12 reps for each movement, 2 minutes rest between each series, 4 rounds total.
2a. Front Loaded Bulg. Split Squat
2b. SA Suspension Rows
2c. SA Dumbbell Chest Press
*Perform each exercise back to back and then rest.
8-12 reps for each movement, 2 minutes rest between each series, 4 rounds total.
Conditioning - 10-15 Minutes
1/4 Mile Rope Pull
Using a 100', 2" thick rope.
Seated, Over the Shoulder pull for 12 lengths.
Remember, that you can adjust the resistance by wrapping the rope around the anchor more times.
Don't have a 100' rope?
No problem, use a 50' rope and perform 24 lengths.
You can also attach the rope to a sled and drag the weight for distance.
This MMA workout focuses on some of my personal trouble spots and chooses exercises that fit my ability level, goals, and uses equipment that I have available. You can adjust the movements, volume and intensity depending on your personal needs.
Hope you found it useful!