In the world of combat sports, where every advantage counts, grip...
I often find myself pondering the age-old question: "Should I work out to...
Retaining knowledge and skills from combat athlete practices is crucial for...
By Mark Disalvo
Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, jiu jitsu with...
By Jared Saavedra
We are starting to see the evolution of the combat athlete....
By Brett Bartholomew
In today's video, Brett discusses how to create a plan...
By Matt Bousson
“Everyone’s tough. If you weren’t tough you...
By Corey Beasley
In the fitness world many individuals are under the false...
By Corey Beasley
One more year has passed...
Time doesn't stop or slow down...
By Nghia Pham
The benefits of jumping and plyometrics have been known for...
By Nghia Pham
A well planed warm up can help the athlete prepare for the...
By Alex Sterner
Last week, we headed down to Pacific Beach, CA to visit the...