As a strength coach working with fighters, I know that track workouts can be a g...
In recent years, the supplement industry has experienced an explosive surge in p...
Striking and grappling sports are two of the most popular combat sports in the w...
Alcohol consumption is a common part of social gatherings and celebrations. Howe...
Have you ever considered the impact of the vestibular system on athletic perform...
Strength training has been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient...
When it comes to physical conditioning, heart rate plays a crucial role in dete...
Medicine balls, also known as exercise balls or fitness balls, have been used fo...
Nasal breathing is a breathing technique that involves breathing in and out thro...
Few can rival the legendary vertical jumps of the Maasai warriors in Kenya and T...
Jumping is an essential skill for combat athletes, as it helps to develop explos...
Soda and energy drinks are a popular choice for many Americans but their excessi...