Build the Beast 5

Developing a Stronger body takes time. Over the next 12 months, we are going to showcase 24 different workouts, using progressions of the squat, hinge, push, pull and carry. We will guide you systematically through progressions that we've used with our athletes to get them strong, but also teach them how to move properly, without getting injured.
The workouts will be total body and you can adjust the intensity and volume to match your specific goal.
Use this chart as a benchmark for intensity, reps, tempo, rest, etc.
Workout #1
1a. Bearhug SB Squat
1b. Climber Pull Ups
2a. Walking Lunge
2b. Half Kneeling Cable Row
3a. Asym Racked Step Up
3b. SA Overhead Carry
Workout #2
1a. SB Goodmorning
1b. SA Barrel Push
2a. Conventional Pivot Lunges
2b. Plank Chain Pulls
3a. Asym Rack Carry
3b. Half Kneeling Arch Press